Thursday, February 11, 2010

How To Download Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 Free

Did you know that you can download the Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 for free and also get free product keys for Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010. You may be thinking that you have already read about how to download Microsoft Office 2010 free not so long ago. Well, you are wrong. Microsoft Office Professional Plus not only contains the software that comes with Microsoft Office Professional 2010 but much more.


Microsoft Office Professional Plus Software List
Common Software with Microsoft Office Professional
Microsoft Word 2010
Microsoft Excel 2010
Microsoft Powerpoint 2010
Microsoft Access 2010
Microsoft Publisher 2010
Microsoft OneNote 2010

Exclusive Software for Microsoft Office Professional Plus
Microsoft Outlook 2010 with Business Contact Manager 2010
Microsoft InfoPath 2010
Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010
Microsoft Communicator 2010

Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 System Requirements
Internet access is obviously required to download Office Professional Plus 2010 Beta and get updates.

A computer / PC with at least:

500 MHz 32-bit or 64-bit processor or higher (trust me you want to have much higher CPU speed in reality
256 MB of system memory or more (go for 1GB or more to get decent performance)
3.5 GB of available disk space
1024×768 or higher resolution monitor
DVD-R/W Drive (no idea why this is required)

Supported Operating Systems:

Windows XP with Service Pack (SP) 3 (32-bit)
Windows Vista with SP1 (32-bit or 64-bit)
Windows Server 2003 R2 (32-bit or 64-bit) with MSXLM 6.0 installed
Windows Server 2008 with SP2 (32-bit or 64-bit)
Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit)
Terminal Server and windows on Windows (WOW) (which allows installing 32-bit versions of Office 2010 on 64-bit operating systems) are supported.

How to download Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 and get product key free

You can download Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 here. Here is how you can download product key for Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010.

Your Comments

1 Responses to "How To Download Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 Free"
SSuite Office said...
February 12, 2010 at 6:50 PM

I really don’t like the new ribbon interfaces. Microsoft is shooting themselfs in the foot over this new creation.

I still prefer free alternative office suites. There is no reason anymore to pay for an office suite these days. They have all the functionality that any general user may need.

And to make things even better for alternative office suites is that they have not converted their interfaces to a ribbon mess.

I personally tend to favour SSuite Office’s free office software. Their software also don’t need to run on Java or .NET, like MS Office and so many open source office software, so it makes their applications very small and efficient.