This time is for real, the next generation iPhone is about to come, Apple has finally begun sending out invites for its upcoming press conference, which will be held on October 4, as the invite says: let’s talk iPhone. We don’t know whether it will be iPhone 5 or the long-rumored iPhone 4S, but we are still looking forward to it, not only because of the amazing new iPhone hardware, but also the official edition of iOS, the soul of the next generation iDevice. It could be said that, without OS, the hardware is absolutely nothing, the question is, will iOS 5 or the new iPhone do a better job than the other smartphone OS like Android and Windows Phone 7, or will iPhone still be the killer smartphone through next year?
People all care about what’s new features and updates on iOS 5, but after knowing, they will realize that the inspiration of the new stuffs are actually from the third-party developer or the other mobile operating system as Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 and Google’s Android, the question is, will Apple do a better job than the origin?
As a common knowledge, iOS devices are known as “easy to use”, no matter for children or elder, everybody can grab an iPhone or iPad and operate by not reading the instruction book, as the iOS was designed to be as a product which doesn’t need users to spend their times on researching how to use, like all Apple’s products, just to keep it as simple as it can, unlike Google’s Android, that is a little bit comlicated, you have to work on it for a while.
However, “to keep it as simple as it can” attitude has a big problem, which is, lacking of functions. Besides, some of apps are limited by the lack, then they become very hard to use, users have to take many steps for using an app, like the camera, we need to unlock the screen, flip over pages, tap the icon, and then here we go. The simple makes the usage even more harder, and this problem can directly cause iPhone users switch to Android, which is currently ranked number one in mobile operating system market, and it’s quite often when people said “Android is for my phone, and iOS is for my tablet”, but if Apple can address these issues with iOS 5 those users might be able to make the switch back, it’s Apple after all, it’s more fashionable than any other devices. Fortunately Apple has finally realized how important those features are, and for proving a better user experience, Apple decides to learn for the third-party developers, and its rivals, to absorb their essences.
The first significant feature in iOS 5 is Notifications, which is actually inspired by Android. As its weakest part, Notifications in iOS are downright awful compared to Android, compared to even the weakest competitors, iOS’ current notification system is absolutely nothing but a piece of freaking crap. Back in the days, when there were not thousands of apps, the only notifications iOS really had to worry about were incoming text messages and the occasional alarm. But now is different, when people use their iDevice, they will feel disconnected from email and communication tools because users have turned off all the notifications they could. It’s very terrible, and as a user, I would rather miss out on a notification than get a popup while I am working, reading or playing. This works fine on the iPad, but on an iPhone this solution to horrible notifications won’t work.
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