Creating a Twitter App
In order to use their APIs, you will need to create a Twitter App. It is completely free to create Twitter Apps and the process is quite simple. Follow the below steps
1. Visit the Twitter API new app page : (Sign in required.)
2. Enter the details required such as name, description, website.
3. Your app is created and is ready to be used. You will be redirected to the Application Main page.
4. You can change your app name, details and the logo image in the Settings tab.
Creating access token
When you create an app you will be provided with two keys viz consumer key and consumer secret. You can change these keys in the Setting page.
1. Before creating the access token you need to change the application permission level which by default is read-only. Click on the Settings tab and in Application Type select Read and Write.
2. Go back to the Details tab and click on Create my access token to create your OAuth access token.
3. The OAuth access key and the secret token will be generated as show below.
4. Make sure if the Access level specified Read and write. (Incase if its specified as Read, repeat Step 2)
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